Shenzhen Stock pass aparece en la lista de 7 acciones

El 23 de junio, la información pública mostró que el asiento de Shenzhen share pass ha aparecido en un total de 7 acciones Dragon Tiger list.

Securities Times, data Treasure Statistics showed that 23 June there were 67 shares in the list of dragon and Tiger, including, 7 shares in the top five sales Sales Department in the Deep share pass Special Seat figure. Las compras netas incluyen Shandong Head Co.Ltd(002810) , Sichuan Development Lomon Co.Ltd(002312) , Navinfo Co.Ltd(002405) \ , etc. Las ventas netas de Shenzhen Huaqiang Industry Co.Ltd(000062) 5 , Sanquan Food Co.Ltd(002216) , Dalian Huarui Heavy Industry Group Co.Ltd(002204)

23 de junio Shenzhen share pass Special Seat listed Dragon and Tiger shares Table border = "0" cellspace = "1" cellpading = "5" align = "center"

_ Código Abreviatura Compra neta de asientos especiales para Shenzhen Stock Pass (10.000 yuan) Aumento o disminución del día (%) Tasa de cambio de día (%)

_ Shandong Head Co.Ltd(002810) Shandong Head Co.Ltd(002810) 757230 - 9.85 6.27

_ Sichuan Development Lomon Co.Ltd(002312) Sichuan Development Lomon Co.Ltd(002312) 216040 9.99 9.60

_ Navinfo Co.Ltd(002405) Navinfo Co.Ltd(002405) 123973 9.99 5,98

_ Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited(000756) Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited(000756) 465.09 - 5.41 14,85

_ Dalian Huarui Heavy Industry Group Co.Ltd(002204) Dalian Huarui Heavy Industry Group Co.Ltd(002204) 545,28 - 3.90 12.63

_ Sanquan Food Co.Ltd(002216) Sanquan Food Co.Ltd(002216) 246501 - 7.14 4.17

_ Shenzhen Huaqiang Industry Co.Ltd(000062) 5 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited(000625) 515775 10.03 6.01

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