Securities Times & data Treasure Statistics, The Shanghai Stock Index increased 0.35 per cent in the last three days, the transaction amount of A-Shares increased 16.55 per cent compared to the previous three days, the most Net Outflow of the main capital is the New Energy Vehicle Concept, The Concept belongs to a total of 542 Shares, in which the main Net Outflow of capital is the leading Stock is Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited(000625) , Byd Company Limited(002594) , J.S.Corrugating Machinery Co.Ltd(000821) \ , respectively Net Outflow 4501 million Yuan, 3358 million Yuan, 1123 million Yuan Las acciones con mayor afluencia neta son Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group Corp.Ltd(600418) , Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co.Ltd(002050) , Tianqi Lithium Corporation(002466) , con entradas netas de 901 millones de yuan, 545 millones de yuan y 541 millones de yuan, respectivamente. (data Treasure)
New Energy Vehicle Concept share Main capital nearly three days Net Flow Order Table border = "0" cellspace = "1" cellpading = "5" align = "center"
_ Código de valores Abreviatura de valores Aumento o disminución (%) Aumento o disminución relativos del mercado (%) Capital principal (100 millones de yuan) Fuerza principal (%)
_ Shenzhen Huaqiang Industry Co.Ltd(000062) 5 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited(000625) 7.70 7.35 - 45.01 - 11,78
_ Byd Company Limited(002594) Byd Company Limited(002594) 5.54 - 5.89 - 33.58 - 11.45
_ 0 J.S.Corrugating Machinery Co.Ltd(000821) J.S.Corrugating Machinery Co.Ltd(000821) 8.91 8.55 11.23. 13.88
_ Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) 5.49 - 5,85 10.60 - 3.93
_ Chongqing Sokon Industry Group Stock Co.Ltd(601127) Chongqing Sokon Industry Group Stock Co.Ltd(601127) 7.15. 7,50 8.42 - 6,76
_ Baic Bluepark New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(600733) Baic Bluepark New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(600733) 7.60 7.95 6.68 - 8.37
_ 3 Anhui Fuhuang Steel Structure Co.Ltd(002743) 00274 3.36 3.71 6.21. 5.27
_ China Baoan Group Co.Ltd(000009) China Baoan Group Co.Ltd(000009) 7.43 7.78 - 5.93 - 16.97
_ Great Wall Motor Company Limited(601633) Great Wall Motor Company Limited(601633) 4.76 5.11. 5.39 - 5,57
_ Mianyang Fulin Precision Co.Ltd(300432) Mianyang Fulin Precision Co.Ltd(300432) 11.14. 11.49 - 5.25. 11.96
_ Jiangxi Special Electric Motor Co.Ltd(002176) Jiangxi Special Electric Motor Co.Ltd(002176) 4.06 - 4.41. 5.23. 5,96
_ 3 Mesnac Co.Ltd(002073) 00207 8.01 - 8.37 - 5.09 - 9,75
_ Hainan Haiqi Transportation Group Co.Ltd(603069) Hainan Haiqi Transportation Group Co.Ltd(603069) 0,43 0,08 4,75 17.23
_ Gotion High-Tech Co.Ltd(002074) Gotion High-Tech Co.Ltd(002074) 3.64 3.99 4.43 11.44
_ Anhui Ankai Automobile Co.Ltd(000868) Anhui Ankai Automobile Co.Ltd(000868) 8.90 8.55 3.98 14,71
Nota: este artículo es un informe de noticias, no constituye una propuesta de inversión, el mercado de valores es arriesgado, la inversión debe ser cautelosa.