Petrochina Company Limited(601857) \ According to the Equity Transfer Agreement, the company agreed to transfer to Liaohe Bureau 100% of its ownership of Liaohe Gas Storage Company, and Liaohe Bureau agreed to pay the cost of approximately 1.288 million Yuan In cash to the company. Cuando se completó la venta, Liaohe Gas Storage Company ya no era una filial de la empresa. A partir de la fecha del anuncio, el Grupo es el accionista mayoritario de la empresa. Liaohe Bureau company is a full - owned Affiliate of the Petrochina Company Limited(601857) Group, so it is the contact of the Petrochina Company Limited(601857) \ Group, so it is Se prevé que el producto neto de esta venta (deducidos todos los gastos y gastos conexos) será el capital de operaciones general del Grupo.