Ingenic Semiconductor Co.Ltd(300223) : Shaoxing weihao raised a list of proposed to continue to increase shares

E Company News, Ingenic Semiconductor Co.Ltd(300223) ( Ingenic Semiconductor Co.Ltd(300223) ) 10 June announcement, 9 June, Shaoxing weihao Enterprise Management Consulting Partnership (Limited Partnership) through the Stock Exchange Centralized Bidding Transaction to increase shares Ingenic Semiconductor Co.Ltd(300223) \ 1734 million Shares, after the increase of Shares, the total shares of the Listed Companies hold 24.785 million Shares, Accounting for the 5% of the total shares of the Listed Companies. Shaoxing weihao Enterprise Management Consulting Partnership (LLP) plans to continue to increase its ownership of Ingenic Semiconductor Co.Ltd(300223) shares in the next 12 months, and After the increase of Shares, the number of shares held in Total possession of Ingenic Semiconductor Co.Ltd(300223) shares shall not exceed 50 million shares, and not exceed 10.38%

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