Respuesta de Lixin Accountants a la Carta de investigación sobre la supervisión de la divulgación de información relativa al informe anual 2021

Tibet Huayu Mining Co.Ltd(601020) : respuesta de Lixin Certified Public Accountants a letter of Inquiry on Regulatory Disclosure of information on the Annual Report of 2021: The Shanghai Stock Exchange: Tibet Huayu Mining Co.Ltd(601020) (hereinafter referred to as “The Company”, or “Huayu Mining”) disclosed the Annual Report of 2021 on 29 April 2022 (hereinafter referred to as “The Annual Report”), Y el 17 de mayo de 2022 recibió su carta de investigación sobre la supervisión de la divulgación de información relativa al informe anual 2021 (carta oficial de Shanghai [2022] No. 0419, en adelante denominada “Carta de investigación sobre la supervisión”), Lixin Certified Public Accountants firm (Special general Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as “Accountants”, “this exchange” and “Annual Auditing Accountants”) has carried out serious Analysis and Verification on the issues mentioned in the Regulatory Inquiry letter that need Accountants to explain or express their Opinions, and is presently explained and answered according to The issues involved in the

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