8.600 millones de dólares de los fondos principales en los últimos tres días en las acciones conceptuales de Rich Russell

Securities Times & data Treasure Statistics, The Shanghai Stock Index increased 3.70 per cent in the last three days, the transaction amount of a share increased 1.60 per cent compared to the previous three days, the most Net capital flow in the concept of the rich time Russell Concept Shares, The Concept belongs to a total of 1273 Shares, including the main Net capital flow in the front of the shares is Byd Company Limited(002594) \ , Longi Green Energy Technology Co.Ltd(601012) , Tianqi Lithium Corporation(002466) \ , respectively Net flow in 1.037 million Yuan, 845 million Yuan, 727 million yuan; Las acciones con mayor salida neta son China Resources Double-Crane Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(600062) , Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co.Ltd(002415) , Wuliangye Yibin Co.Ltd(000858) , y la salida neta es de 913 millones de yuan, 834 millones de yuan y 636 millones de yuan. (data Treasure)

FTSE Russell Concept Stock Concept Stock Main capital Net Flow Order Table border = "0" cellspace = "1" cellpading = "5" align = "center"

_ Código de valores Abreviatura de valores Aumento o disminución (%) Aumento o disminución relativos del mercado (%) Capital principal (100 millones de yuan) Fuerza principal (%)

_ Byd Company Limited(002594) Byd Company Limited(002594) 5.87 2.17 10.37 6,65

_ Longi Green Energy Technology Co.Ltd(601012) Longi Green Energy Technology Co.Ltd(601012) 12.69 8.99 8.45 5.01

_ Tianqi Lithium Corporation(002466) Tianqi Lithium Corporation(002466) 19.71 16.01 7.27 3.96

_ China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) 3.21. 0,49 7.01 4.76

_ Shenzhen Huaqiang Industry Co.Ltd(000062) 5 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited(000625) 25,76 22.06 5.98 23.68

_ Midea Group Co.Ltd(000333) Midea Group Co.Ltd(000333) 10.55 6.85 5.72 7.86

_ Norinco International Cooperation Ltd(000065) 1 Norinco International Cooperation Ltd(000065) 1 12.34 8.64 5.63 8,69

_ Goertek Inc(002241) Goertek Inc(002241) 15.43 11.73 5.30 5,89

_ Ganfeng Lithium Co.Ltd(002460) Ganfeng Lithium Co.Ltd(002460) 6.92 3.22 4.08 3.32

_ China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited(601668) China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited(601668) 4.38 0,68 4.05 4.59

_ Norinco International Cooperation Ltd(000065) 6 Norinco International Cooperation Ltd(000065) 6 13.57 9.87 4.02 11,68

_ Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co.Ltd(603799) Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co.Ltd(603799) 7.90 4.20 3.90 6.24

_ Cosco Shipping Holdings Co.Ltd(601919) Cosco Shipping Holdings Co.Ltd(601919) 7,75 4.05 3.72 5.51

_ Poly Developments And Holdings Group Co.Ltd(600048) Poly Developments And Holdings Group Co.Ltd(600048) 4.53 0,83 3.26 4.55

_ Jiangsu Zhongnan Construction Group Co.Ltd(000961) Jiangsu Zhongnan Construction Group Co.Ltd(000961) 18,71 15.01 3.03 11.08

Nota: este artículo es un informe de noticias, no constituye una propuesta de inversión, el mercado de valores es arriesgado, la inversión debe ser cautelosa.

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